A Guide to Insignia in Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: The Original Series shows a future fleet with its own set of ranks. These marks set apart a crew’s place in Starfleet. Though the show does not always dwell on these details, fans may wish to learn what the marks mean.

Starfleet Uniforms and Rank Marks

In The Original Series, the crew wears plain uniforms in red or blue. A few marks, worn on the shoulder or chest, hint at an officer’s rank. The marks are small pins or stripes. They give a quick word on who leads and who follows. While later shows add more detail, TOS offers a simple set of signs.

The Rank of Ensign

The rank of ensign sits at the start of a Starfleet career. In TOS, the ensign may wear a single mark on the uniform. This mark is small and plain. It tells the eye that the wearer is new to the fleet. The mark may be a single stripe or a small pin.

The Rank of Lieutenant

A lieutenant earns a second mark. The mark of lieutenant shows that the officer has grown in skill and duty. On screen, one may catch a lieutenant with two marks, though they are not always in clear view. This way of marking rank hints at more than one year of service and a growing grasp of duty.

The Rank of Lieutenant Commander

The rank of lieutenant commander is one step higher. Here the uniform bears three marks. Each mark stands as a sign of service and skill gained over time. Though TOS does not focus much on the finer points of rank, later sources hint that a lieutenant commander holds more sway than a simple lieutenant.

The Rank of Commander

A commander wears four marks. This rank is given to those who lead a division or take charge when a captain is not at hand. In TOS, a commander is often seen as a steady hand in times of strife. The four marks mark a step higher in trust and worth.

The Rank of Captain

The captain is the head of the ship. A captain’s uniform may show five marks. These marks mark a blend of duty, trust, and lead. Captain Kirk, for example, carries a weight that comes with his rank. His marks show that he holds the fleet’s trust and leads the crew through the void of space.

The Role of Color and Mark Placement

TOS uniforms follow a simple code. Red suits usually belong to those who lead or work in security. Blue suits belong to those who work in science or technical fields. The marks, be they small pins or stripes, are worn on the shoulders or the chest. Their placement is clear and meant to give a quick word on rank to all who see.

Behind the scenes, the marks were meant to give a nod to a future where rank was known by a simple set of signs. Though the marks in TOS are hard to spot in many scenes, the intent is clear. Later shows add more to the tale, yet the simple set from TOS still holds a special place in the hearts of fans.

Special Cases and On-Screen Hints

In some episodes, rank is not made plain through marks alone. A captain’s sway, for instance, may come from the tone in which he speaks or the way the crew looks to him for guidance. At times, the show uses the uniform’s trim or the color of the collar as a hint. These hints work along with the marks to show who stands high in the chain of command.

There are times when rank is blurred. When officers shift roles during a crisis, marks may take a back seat to skill and the trust earned through deed. Yet, for those who look close, the marks still speak. They offer a word on duty and on the hard, earned path through service.

Behind the Marks

The makers of the show chose a set of marks that feel plain and direct. Instead of ornate emblems, they chose small, plain signs that speak in short words. The marks have a strong feel; they do not rely on fancy lore. They are a nod to the old ways of showing rank with simple metal and thread. In this light, the marks come from a time when service was marked by hard work and clear steps. They come from a tradition that values plain signs of worth.

The Marks in Fan Thought

For many who watch the old shows, the rank marks stir a sense of order and duty. They remind us that in the fleet of a far future, the chain of command is kept by small, plain signs. The marks are a word on the skill of the wearer, on the trust they hold, and on the path they have walked. Fans have long sought to learn these signs and the meaning behind them. In this way, the marks live on in fan lore and guide new viewers as they step into the world of Star Trek.

Marks in Later Lore

While The Original Series keeps its rank marks simple, later shows and books add more detail. The simple signs from TOS become the seed for a richer lore in subsequent tales. Yet, even now, the plain marks of TOS remind us of a time when duty was shown by a small stripe or pin on a plain suit. These marks call to mind the early days of the fleet, when the words were few and the deeds were many.

This guide offers a plain view of the rank marks seen in Star Trek: The Original Series. It shows the steps of rank from a new ensign to a ship’s captain and the ways in which these marks speak of duty, trust, and hard-won skill.